Dolori muscolari nello Skyrunning: Rafael racconta

Skyrunning: una passione internazionale.
Rafael è un medico chirurgo brasiliano e con la passione per lo skyrunning. Ha evitato il dolore alle gambe e migliorato la sua performance con un paio di leggings NOAcademy. In questa breve intervista racconta la sua esperienza.
Rafael è su Instagram come @r.aquinoleal, la sua testimonianza è in inglese.

First sensations
They have a fairly neutral design. The touch is pleasant and they have good elasticity. When we are going to put them we discover that these pirate tights are somewhat heavier than the rest, I think for this reason it would allow us to dispense with underwear and run only with the pants, but I have only used it with underwear until now.
I had a very good sensation during the races, didn't have any muscle cramps.
Ottima sensazione durante la gara, non ho mai avuto crampi alle gambe
Good elasticity and freedom of movement, I tested it in very different style of races: Vertical Kilometer very technical during Skyrunning World Champs in Scotland, and during Ultra Pirineu, a race that was 22 hours long for me and it worked pretty well in both, I felt protected from extreme conditions like heavy rain, wind and also on falls over rocks where the garment didn't broke.
The garment dries really fast, allowing the body to regulate the temperature much better and trying to prevent garments from overwhelming us. For the back of the knees, I believe is a good tissue that helps to expel sweat and thus avoid chafing.
The elasticity of the entire mesh is very good: the feeling from the first moment we put it on until we take it off is very comfortable and free to move.
The seams are distributed in an ergonomic way to favor the adaptability of the mesh to the body.
The pirate mesh very comfortable once in a race, it does not get wet with the hours running and it dries quickly, especially when we take downhill sections and the exigency of perspiration is inferior. The gums work very well, both that of the waist that does not squeeze excessively, as that of the knees that prevents it from being well adjusted. They did not climb any above the knee and I did not notice excessive pressure in the knee bowl. Other thicker or less elastic meshes can end up causing discomfort in this area with the passing of the hours but it was not the case for this garment.
In conclusion, the garment seems to meet its proposal to avoid muscle fatigue, as I had a performance lowering my time in 80Km in more than 3 hours and maintaining a good pace with no muscle pain.
In conclusione, il capo sembra aver confermato la sua promessa di evitare fatica e dolore alla muscolatura. Sono riuscito a abbassare la mia performance di 80 km in meno di 3 ore, mantenendo un buon ritmo e nessun dolore alle gambe.
Skyrunning Federation: website link
Per scoprire come l'ossido nitrico regoli il processo infiammatorio, approfondisci a questo link.
Per scoprire i leggings usati da Rafael per migliorare le sue performance nelle gare skyrunning in giro per il mondo, entra nel nostro negozio